Untreated diabetes can cause injury, disease, and death. Therefore, it is imperative that you learn how to control this disease as quickly and efficiently as possible. The tips in this article are time-tested strategies for turning a deadly disease into something that can be managed and reduced to a minor annoyance.
If you have Diabetes, then your children are more susceptible to the disease themselves. Make sure that any diet changes you make are reflected by the eating habits of your children, and that you include them in the exercise you do. It’s more fun to make the changes in your life if everyone has some input.
There are so many resources online for diabetics, including the American Diabetes Association, so make use of all they have to offer! Many have support groups, articles, research and even links to local educators, who can help you learn even more. Take the time to know what’s going on in your body and you’ll live a long, healthy life.
If you have diabetes or are at risk for developing it, it is important that you lose weight. Being overweight or obese can cause blood glucose levels to be dangerously high, which can cause severe complications, including coma or death. Try to eat healthier and stick to a moderate exercise plan. It’s never to late to change, and you can be successful no matter how many previous failed attempts you’ve had.
To allow yourself to still enjoy your favorite foods, make simple substitutions. Collard greens can be made with turkey broth instead of ham hock, and ground beef can easily be replaced by ground turkey. Try purchasing a diabetes cookbook. You may find that you can keep on eating many of your favorite meals.
To reduce your risk of heart disease, carefully monitor your triglyceride cholesterol and blood pressure levels. One of the most common complications of diabetes is heart disease, and the best way to avoid that risk is to set goals for all of these levels and then, stick to them. Ask your doctor where your levels should be.
If you are a diabetic make sure to carefully choose your lancing device. Pick one that maximizes comfort and minimizes pain especially since you will have to be testing very frequently. The better the device is, the less reluctant you will be with your blood sugar testings which will help improve the overall quality of your care.
To keep stress from elevating your blood sugar, try practicing meditation. Meditation is a quick and easy way to calm yourself down and keep your blood sugar levels stable. If you’re feeling irritable or overwhelmed, excuse yourself, sit down, and take a few minutes to meditate. It’ll make your diabetes much easier to manage.
Now that you have read these tips, the rest is up to you. Managing the complex array of dietary choices, medicines, and lifestyle factors that influence the course of diabetes can be extremely daunting, but if you take the tips you just read on board, you can live a long, happy life even with diabetes.