What Should You Avoid After PRP Injection?

A growing number of orthopedic injuries are being treated with PRP injections. What is PRP? What are the various types of PRP? Is there a set of precautions to be taken after receiving PRP injections? Let’s dig in.

What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. It is the concentration of platelet-rich plasma, which refers to the patient’s own blood platelets. The blood is taken from the peripheral sites such as the arm and hand and then concentrated in a centrifuge. Platelets are rich in growth factors and chemical mediators that can help reduce inflammation, and pain, increase blood flow, and accelerate the natural healing process. The current indications for PRP are patellar, Achilles, hamstring, and Achilles tendon injuries; golfer’s elbow (1).

Different types of PRPRegenexx Standard PRP = Precautions Before and After PRP Injections

Did you know there are three types of PRP available? It is true, and it …