A growing number of orthopedic injuries are being treated with PRP injections. What is PRP? What are the various types of PRP? Is there a set of precautions to be taken after receiving PRP injections? Let’s dig in.
What is PRP?
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. It is the concentration of platelet-rich plasma, which refers to the patient’s own blood platelets. The blood is taken from the peripheral sites such as the arm and hand and then concentrated in a centrifuge. Platelets are rich in growth factors and chemical mediators that can help reduce inflammation, and pain, increase blood flow, and accelerate the natural healing process. The current indications for PRP are patellar, Achilles, hamstring, and Achilles tendon injuries; golfer’s elbow (1).
Different types of PRPRegenexx Standard PRP = Precautions Before and After PRP Injections
Did you know there are three types of PRP available? It is true, and it is crucial to determine which type of PRP is best for your clinical improvement.
Because it contains both white and red blood cells, the PRP is red. This is the first type available of PRP and was produced using older, less sophisticated centrifuges. A centrifuge, a small machine on a tabletop that spins blood, allows for the separation and concentration of blood. Red PRP is usually concentrated in lower levels.
Lower Concentration Amber PRP
The color of this PRP is amber and it contains very few red and white blood cells. It is usually concentrated at lower levels, which causes less tissue reaction and swelling.
Higher Concentration Amber PRP
The PRP is amber-colored and has few red and white blood cells. Because clinics use bedside centrifuges, it is possible to concentrate the PRP at a higher concentration. We understand the importance of different concentrations of PRP to treat different conditions. Our state-of-the-art laboratory is equipped with stem cell scientists who can super-concentrate PRP for the best clinical outcomes. The current publication shows that PRP with higher concentrations is useful in tendon injuries.
Do you need to the ice after PRP Injections?
Many websites and clinics advise against using ice after PRP injections. Inflammation is an essential part of healing. The healing process may be impeded by the use of ice, which reduces inflammation and swelling (3). The blood vessels in blood vessels shrink due to ice, which can restrict blood flow. Healing is dependent on blood flow. Avoid ice after receiving PRP injections. Click the video to learn more about ligament healing following stem cell injections or PRP.
What is the recommended time to rest after receiving PRP injections?
After PRP injections, it is important to rest and heal. The injected PRP must be allowed to heal the area. This will allow the PRP to heal. The platelets produce important growth factors and proteins which promote tissue regeneration and healing. The growth factors can take up to seven days to release from the platelets. (4) Exercising may cause the PRP to move from the injection site, thereby compromising healing. If you have had PRP injected into your kneecap tendon, it is possible for the PRP to be pushed out of the tendon by running or lifting heavy weights immediately after injection. It is important to monitor swelling and pain closely for the first two weeks. Then, you can return gradually to your normal activities. Avoid vigorous exercise, weightlifting, and any other activity that may cause injury after PRP injection. Resting will help the PRP work to heal.
Can I Drink Alcohol After PRP Injections?
Platelet function can be negatively affected by alcohol. It can reduce platelet activation, aggregation, and response to other proteins and enzymes. (6). The effects of alcohol on stem cells can also be detrimental, which could lead to impaired healing. Your body’s ability to heal determines the effectiveness of PRP. For maximum healing, eat healthy food and avoid alcohol. Avoid alcohol after receiving PRP injections.
In conclusion
PRP refers to the presence of platelets from the patient in their serum. Platelets are rich in growth factors and mediators, which reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. They also turbocharge the natural healing process. Different types of PRP are available in different amounts. Avoiding ice and avoiding alcohol after PRP injections are important. Heat, rest, and a healthy lifestyle are key to achieving the best clinical outcomes.
This article was written by a medical professional at Florida Medical Pain Management. Florida Medical Pain Management is proud to offer comprehensive pain management services to a diverse group of patients. Patients at Florida Medical Pain Management can get help managing hip, knee, leg, and neck pain. The practice also offers comprehensive arthritis management, along with treatments for auto accidents, sports, and work injuries as well as Ketamine Infusion St Petersburg FL.